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Biden Releases AI Red Tape Wishlist in New Executive Order

WASHINGTON—Today, President Joe Biden released a new, sweeping executive order that takes a restrictive regulatory approach to the development of American artificial intelligence tools, putting the future of American innovation and global technological dominance at risk.

“Biden’s new executive order is a back-door regulatory scheme for the wider economy which uses AI concerns as an excuse to expand the President’s power over the economy. There are many regulations that already govern AI. Instead of examining how these existing rules can be applied to address modern challenges, Biden has chosen to further increase the complexity and burden of the federal code,” said Carl Szabo, NetChoice Vice President & General Counsel.  

Szabo continued: “Broad regulatory measures in Biden’s AI red tape wishlist will result in stifling new companies and competitors from entering the marketplace and significantly expanding the power of the federal government over American innovation. Thus, this order puts any investment in AI at risk of being shut down at the whims of government bureaucrats. That is dangerous for our global standing as the leading technological innovators, and this is the wrong approach to govern AI.”  

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