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BNA Bloomberg – Colorado Bill Would Strike Online Sales Reporting Rules

BNA Bloomberg – Colorado Bill Would Strike Online Sales Reporting Rules

The bill has been drafted and will be introduced this or next week, Steve DelBianco, executive director of NetChoice in Washington, D.C., told Bloomberg BNA March 7. He said the bill would remove what he called the “tattle-tale” provision of Colorado’s 2010 reporting and notice law imposed on out-of-state vendors that don’t collect and remit the state’s sales and use tax. The portions of the law that require covered retailers to give consumers’ notice of their obligation to pay the tax, as well as provide buyers with an annual report of their purchases, will remain, DelBianco said.

DelBianco said removing the requirement that retailers report sales to the state is a “thoughtful” approach to amending Colorado’s law instead of a “scorched-earth” repeal.