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How Section 230 Helps Us Stay Connected During the Coronavirus Pandemic

While it makes sense that speakers should be held responsible for the statements and not the platform on which they post, Section 230 enshrined this concept into law to make it very clear. Section 230 has made possible amazing services that we’ve all used during this crisis.

Indeed, this liability principle is what lets everyday Americans, like you and me, use the internet for good.

Staying Connected

  • NextDoor, Twitter, Facebook, etc. all help us stay connected with our neighbors. In my own home we’ve used NextDoor to help make sure that older neighbors have the food and care they need.
  • Video conferencing services like FaceTime, WhatsApp, Duo, and Zoom help us check in on our friends and family members, help us know that they are okay, continue sharing our lives with them, enable online business to continue, and remote learning.


  • Online tools like YouTube and Khan Academy help us teach each other new skills, languages, how to stay safe when we go outside, and even how to build our own masks.
  • Services like Zoom and Google Hangouts helps teachers and students keep eduction continuing without a physical classroom.

Getting necessary food and supplies

  • Through services like eBay and Etsy, sellers and buyers can easily connect, helping us find things we need while enabling the seller to earn valuable income.
  • Platforms like Amazon and help customers find third-party sellers with needed products.
  • Doordash, Instacart, and UberEats help bring us our meals and groceries.

Supporting struggling small businesses and workers

  • Online fundraising campaigns like GoFundMe are being used to raise funds for those who’ve lost jobs and businesses forced to close.