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In a crisis you learn who your friends are — America’s tech industry

Yet the actions we see today reveal that American businesses like Google, Facebook, Amazon, and Apple are there when a crisis arises.

They’ve been essential to getting our supplies and food delivered, helping our children continue to learn, keeping us connected with our friends and families, enabling information sharing, helping identify symptoms, and letting people know when to go to the hospital and when not to.

Helping Parents, Students, and Teachers

Like other parents, I was worried that school closure would disrupt not only my family’s life, but also the education of my children. Fortunately, tech platforms like Apple and Google had already helped us prepare for this shutdown by providing our schools with computers and increasingly sophisticated services to deliver remote learning.

Helping Workers

My business continues to work, with video conferencing, online document collaboration, and messaging services. My wife is able to keep providing therapy via video conferencing. My father teaches his law school classes with online services. And FaceTime and social networking allows us to see and stay connected with our friends and family.

Helping with donations

Seeing the need for their products to keep us connected and operating, Google, Microsoft, and many others rolled out free versions of their connectivity tools. Amazon provided free subscriptions to Kindle Unlimited so we can continue to read as libraries close. Zoom and Google are making their services free for schools. Companies like Xfinity made their hotspots free for everyone and Verizon abolished data caps so that people can use the Internet to keep life moving.