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Unfortunate to See Legislature Double Down on Unconstitutional Laws Hurting Utahns & Their Families

SALT LAKE CITY—Today, the Utah Legislature sent two new bills to Gov. Spencer Cox, HB 464 and SB 194. These bills double down on the thwarting of Utahns’ privacy, security and constitutional rights that we saw last year. 

“Unconstitutional laws help no one. Despite going back to the drawing board, Utah is still not on the right side of the Constitution. We look forward to a court hearing our case,” said Chris Marchese, Director of the NetChoice Litigation Center. 

You can read NetChoice’s testimony against HB 464 here and SB 194 here, where we explain the constitutional problems with these laws. 

Find resources for NetChoice’s lawsuit against the state of Utah, NetChoice v. Reyes, here

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