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Gratitude for Golden State Senators

Kudos to the 23Thank-You-sign state Senators who stopped California’s misguided attempt to “save the Internet”.

Their votes to scuttle S. 242 is a welcome reversal of self-destructive behavior from a state that’s become its own worst enemy, in spite of having the world’s only real golden goose — the innovative and empowering companies of Silicon Valley.

Internet users today enjoy a wealth of free online services that constantly innovate and adapt to user demand.  Users of large social networks already control their own information, but the advocates of S. 242 think the state needs to oversee Californians’ individual decisions.


That strategy may be good for driving news stories but its no good for delivering new online services that consumers eagerly embrace. The last thing California needs right now is to smother its golden goose with the deadly embrace of oppressive legislation.