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Bloomberg – “Sales Tax Slice: At Congressional Hearing, Witnesses and Lawmakers Flesh Out MFA Concerns, Debate Origin Sourcing”

Bloomberg – “Sales Tax Slice: At Congressional Hearing, Witnesses and Lawmakers Flesh Out MFA Concerns, Debate Origin Sourcing

However, former Rep. Christopher Cox (R-Calif.), tax policy advisor for NetChoice, a coalition of leading e-commerce and online companies, called for a compact-based approach, while also advocating for an origin-based sourcing system. Cox’s approach, dubbed, “Home Rule and Revenue Return,” is “a multi-state Compact that would establish clear rules for interstate purchases on which sales tax currently is not being collected. States participating in the Compact would realize sales tax on purchases their residents make from remote businesses located in other Compact states.”

According to Cox, this concept “treats catalog, online, and brick-and-mortar sellers the same,” and “involves no new complications, because most retail business already takes place this way.”