WASHINGTON—Last week, Google launched a new lawsuit against an eleventh-hour rulemaking by President Biden’s Consumer Finance Protection Bureau (CFPB).
This rule forces Google to comply with CFPB “supervisions” of its Google Pay app, a now-discontinued product, without any finding of consumer harm. This overreach thwarts due process and flouts the Agency’s statutory authorization.
The CFPB’s overreach exemplifies a federal agency desperately seeking relevance at taxpayers’ expense.
“NetChoice applauds Google’s decision to challenge this regulatory overreach in federal court and stands firmly against bureaucratic mission creep that stifles innovation while offering zero benefit to American consumers,” said Chris Marchese, NetChoice Director of Litigation. “The CFPB’s attempt to supervise a discontinued product perfectly illustrates an agency more interested in headlines than consumer protection.”
Marchese continued: “The CFPB has failed to demonstrate any actual consumer harm—a basic requirement for such supervision. This is regulatory theater at its worst. Instead of focusing on real consumer protection issues, the Bureau is wasting taxpayer resources at the last hour on phantom threats.”
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