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House Committee Should Reject Bills Full of False Promises to American Families Online

WASHINGTON—Today, the House Energy and Commerce Committee will mark up two bills that are false promises to American families and erode their rights and privacy, the so-called “Kids Online Safety Act” (KOSA) and COPPA 2.0.

“KOSA is bad on policy and bad on the law. Parents need laws that are meaningful and constitutional, but KOSA is neither. Congress should not follow the failed path the states have taken. Courts across the country repeatedly halted these types of provisions. KOSA represents false promises to families and will not make a single American ‘safer’ online,” said Amy Bos, NetChoice Director of State & Federal Affairs.

Bos continued: “In fact, KOSA and COPPA 2.0 threaten the safety and security of Americans by exposing them to massive cybersecurity vulnerabilities, increased censorship and increased government power over families’ decision-making. Congress doesn’t have to violate rights and undermine privacy to increase online safety—there are bipartisan, meaningful and constitutional alternatives available to them right now. The Committee should outright reject KOSA & COPPA 2.0 and support effective legislation for Americans.”


Click here for how KOSA fails Americans and our families. 

Click here for how KOSA is a cybersecurity disaster in the making for American children.

Click here for more on various problems with age verification mandates, whether they be explicit or implicit (like KOSA is).

Click here for how KOSA will enable increased government censorship.

Click here to learn more about NetChoice’s lawsuits against similar provisions and what courts are saying about them.

Click here to learn about the bipartisan, constitutional and meaningful solutions available to lawmakers right now that will actually help to keep kids—and ALL Americans—safer online. 

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