NetChoice Testimony in Opposition to Nevada SB 63
While well-intentioned, SB 63 imposes unconstitutional age-verification and parental consent requirements on Nevadans. Age-verification and parental consent also presents heightened threats to privacy and undermines the government’s interest in protecting […]
NetChoice Sues Louisiana to Protect Free Speech, Online Safety & Parental Rights
BATON ROUGE, La.—Today, NetChoice sued Louisiana to stop SB 162, a new law that forces citizens to surrender private information to access protected speech online—violating the First Amendment and putting […]
NetChoice v. Murrill (Louisiana)
NetChoice sued Louisiana to stop SB 162, a law forcing Louisianans to surrender private information to access protected speech online—violating the First Amendment and putting their data at risk. The […]
NetChoice Testimony in Opposition to Florida SB 1438
SB 1438 requires device manufacturers, operating systems, and app stores to implement age verification systems. If enacted, this bill would almost certainly violate Floridian’s First Amendment rights, weaken their privacy, […]
NetChoice Testimony in Opposition to Maine HP 530
HP 530 would ban social media for those under 14, require all users of social media to verify their ages, and prohibit young people from accessing social media without verifiable […]
NetChoice Testimony in Opposition to Texas HB 499
HB 499 would mandate warning labels for constitutionally protected speech posted on online platforms. While well-intentioned, the legislation presents significant policy and legal concerns.
NetChoice, CCIA to Fight Ruling in Florida Case
TALLAHASSEE, Fla.—Last week, the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Florida dismissed our case with the Computer & Communications Industry Association against HB 3, Florida’s ID for the […]
Third Time Still Not a Charm: Court Rules Against California Online Speech Code Again in NetChoice v. Bonta
SAN JOSE, Calif.—Today, the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California again granted NetChoice’s request for a preliminary injunction in its entirety against California’s Speech Code, misleadingly branded […]
NetChoice Testimony in Opposition to Idaho SB 1158
SB 1158 places unfair burdens on manufacturers who cannot guarantee perfect filtering yet face substantial liability. The bill, while well-intentioned, raises significant First Amendment concerns and would create a false […]
TODAY: NetChoice Hearing to Permanently Strike Down Ohio Law Harming Families, Data Security & Speech Online
COLUMBUS, Ohio—Today, NetChoice has a hearing in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Ohio, where we will be asking the court to permanently halt Ohio’s Parental Notification […]
A Better Path to Protecting Children Online: Congress Should Invest in Law Enforcement, Not Censorship
WASHINGTON—Today, the Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on Crime and Counterterrorism is holding a hearing to examine the Strengthening Transparency and Obligation to Protect Children Suffering from Abuse and Mistreatment Act (STOP […]
NetChoice Testimony in Opposition to AL SB 186, Device Filters
Alabama SB 186 mandates that manufacturers include a built-in content filter on all devices activated in the state, which must automatically be set to “on” for users identified as minors […]
NetChoice Letter Urging Virginia Gov. Youngkin to Veto Senate Bill 854
We strongly urge Governor Youngkin to veto Senate Bill 854, which presents significant First Amendment concerns. SB 854 rations access to protected speech for minors by limiting their ability to […]
NetChoice Testimony in Opposition to Washington HB 1834
Washington’s HB 1834 is well intentioned but constitutionally misguided. The bill would seek to regulate the flow of lawful, First Amendment protected speech while mandating age verification practices already called […]
NetChoice Testimony in Opposition to Colorado SB 25-086
NetChoice Director of Policy Patrick Hedger delivered testimony before the Colorado Senate Judiciary Committee in opposition to SB 25-086. Despite the laudable intent behind the legislation, it presented a number […]
Senate Should Give Law Enforcement Resources to Prosecute Predators, Support Educational Initiatives
WASHINGTON—Today, the Senate Judiciary Committee will hold a hearing on “Children’s Safety in the Digital Era.” “We commend the Senators for examining this important issue for families nationwide. To ensure […]
NetChoice Testimony in Opposition to North Dakota SB 2380
This bill would mandate age verification on the device and in app stores, and would require all online services and websites to block access to mature content. While well-intentioned, the […]