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LETTER: Congress, Protect Kids Online By Investing in Child Safety

WASHINGTON—Today, NetChoice and a coalition of organizations sent a letter to House and Senate Leadership, as well as leadership in the Senate and House Judiciary Committees and leadership in the House Education & the Workforce and House Ways & Means committees, calling on Congress to protect children online by passing the Invest in Child Safety Act.

NetChoice is proud to support this constitutional, bipartisan bill that would give law enforcement across the U.S. the critical resources they need to investigate, prosecute and stop predators abusing kids online. 

“We encourage policymakers to enact the Invest in Child Safety Act,” said the groups signing onto the letter. “This legislation would direct resources where they are most needed, including $5 billion in mandatory funding to investigate and target the predators and abusers who create and share child sexual abuse material online and substantial new funding for vital community-based efforts to prevent children from becoming victims in the first place.”

The letter points out: “A 2023 report released by Stop Child Predators found that in 2022, law enforcement only had the capacity and resources to investigate less than 1% of all reports of CSAM received by the CyberTipline. Unfortunately, many laws aimed at combating CSAM do not include proper funding for enforcing such laws. The lack of funding results in law enforcement agencies being overwhelmed by the amount of material and unable to properly identify and prosecute bad actors.” 

Tech is not the police—only law enforcement can put predators behind bars. They must have the resources to properly do so. 

Congress: pass the Invest in Child Safety Act. 

You can read the full letter sent today HERE and the text of the Invest in Child Safety Act here

Read about NetChoice’s SHIELD to keep kids—and all Americans—safe online here

Please contact Krista Chavez at with inquiries.