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NetChoice Applauds Utah Creators for Standing Up for Their Free Speech Online

SALT LAKE CITY—Last week, a group of users filed a lawsuit with the Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression (FIRE) against the State of Utah over its Social Media Regulation Act, which violates their First Amendment rights. 

NetChoice applauds the courage and conviction of these Utahns to protect their constitutional rights. 

Each of the plaintiffs in this case has a compelling story about how they’ve used digital services to communicate with and support their communities. Speech free from government interference on social media platforms is critical, and it is inspiring to see them standing up for their rights on this issue.

“It is incredible to see Utahns standing up for their free speech rights online. This case is very important for policymakers to understand the impact of inflicting unconstitutional legislation on their constituents,” said Chris Marchese, Director of the NetChoice Litigation Center. “NetChoice applauds these Utahns for their courage to stand up to government overreach.”

NetChoice has our own case against the State of Utah over this law, called NetChoice v. Reyes. If allowed to go into effect, the Social Media Regulation Act would seize control of the online experience from parents, disregard the importance of education, sideline the state’s vibrant creator economy, compromise data security and violate constitutional rights of Utahns. 

Those violations’ impacts are importantly made more visible by the suit from these creators. 

You can read the complaint in H.Z. v. Hass here

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