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NetChoice Launches New Competition Hub to Provide Facts—Not Feelings—About the U.S. Tech Sector

WASHINGTON—Today, NetChoice launched a new educational resource,, to provide the facts on how competitive the U.S. tech industry is and why attempts by politicians and regulators to undermine it will harm Americans. 

Vigorous competition in the U.S. tech sector is helping American consumers and businesses access powerful digital tools every day at a low cost. While prices are rising in many areas of American life, prices of digital tools have not. This dynamism can be attributed to permissionless innovation and low regulatory barriers to entry for new businesses to enter the tech sector, allowing for competition to be vibrant and thrive. 

But some ideologues are upset that certain companies are popular with consumers, and they are seeking to use the power of the regulatory state to dismantle these businesses and promote the interests of their preferred competitors. Note—progressive antitrust theory is about competitors, not consumers, their welfare or demonstrable facts about competition. In fact, these so-called reformers seek to remove the standard in American antitrust law that requires proof of consumer harm for action against companies they dislike. 

To debunk many of the peddled myths about competition in the tech industry, NetChoice created, where policymakers, businesses, journalists, researchers and more can easily access the facts. 

“The U.S. tech sector is ripe with an abundance of competition, and we’ve launched to show off the great consumer and national benefits from America’s competitive tech industry,” said Robert Winterton, NetChoice Director of Public Affairs. “Antitrust policy should be based on reality and facts, not an ideological fairytale.”

To learn the facts about how tech competition is helping Americans, visit

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