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New Polling: Swing State Voters Want Next President to Reject Biden’s Antitrust Policies

WASHINGTON—Today, NetChoice released a new poll conducted by Echelon Insights of likely swing state voters, showing that Americans want the next president to throw out President Joe Biden’s progressive antitrust agenda when selecting a new administration.

The top lines are a rebuke of President Biden’s radical progressive antitrust approach:

  • A supermajority of voters say Biden’s antitrust approach has led to higher prices for consumers, 58-11, with just 14% saying there is no impact and 17% unsure.
  • Most voters say Biden’s approach has prioritized a progressive agenda over American and consumer interests, 54-27.
  • Almost two in three voters (65%) favor the next administration returning antitrust to the consumer welfare standard, while only 21% want Biden’s current approach continued.
  • Voters say the Biden Administration’s antitrust approach has:
    • Made it harder for American companies to compete with foreign competition (51-31);
    • Stifled innovation by threatening breakups and burdensome regulations (54-31);
    • Not prioritized keeping prices low (63-25);
    • Prioritized progressive ideals over expertise about consumer welfare (58-26); and
    • Not worked for most Americans (61-26).

“Voters simply reject President Biden’s progressive antitrust agenda. They know it has fueled price increases and that it’s hurting their businesses and American innovation more broadly. Voters want Biden’s approach to go, no matter who runs the next administration,” said Carl Szabo, NetChoice Vice President & General Counsel. “The message for the next president can’t be clearer: voters need a leader who will prioritize consumer welfare and American interests.” 

Read the top lines here and NetChoice’s one-pager here

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