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Good Intentions, Bad Execution: The Progressive Rot Beneath Biden’s Newest AI Executive Order

WASHINGTON—Today, President Joe Biden issued a new Executive Order on artificial intelligence (AI) infrastructure in the U.S. NetChoice supports initiatives that unleash America’s technology leaders, but the Biden administration’s eleventh-hour rulemaking imposes politically-motivated mandates that would hinder the growth and competitiveness of America’s AI sector.

“The intentions behind this Executive Order are a welcome change from previous Biden orders that restricted AI development. America absolutely needs to ‘accelerate the speed at which we build the next generation of AI infrastructure[.]’  But good intentions won’t get the job done, since the Biden administration can’t set aside their progressive instincts to create new environmental and labor standards that would slow down AI development and deployment—similar to Biden’s well-publicized failures to build electric vehicle charging stations and broadband infrastructure,” said Patrick Hedger, NetChoice Director of Policy. “There is good in this Order, such as greater access to federal lands and expedited permitting, but the Biden administration insists on attaching political requirements on data center construction that will ultimately stifle investment. Micromanaging labor and material procurement to favor politically-connected unions and suppliers and dictating terms of data centers’ energy supply will only delay these projects and work against the Order’s purported aims.”

NetChoice continues to work with policymakers to develop balanced approaches that support continued U.S. global leadership and development in AI while addressing legitimate concerns.

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